The premise of the Android applications below is to supply a picture to have other people vote up or down whether they like it or not. This is a pretty simple yet powerful way to get hones opinions from people because people are not afraid to tell a stranger what they think. Both of the applications below need you to sign up for a free account.

1. Thumb

Thumb for Android is a social question asking and answering application. Think of Thumb like Stumbleupon. You can sign in, select the filters for the topics you’d like to vote on and you give it the thumbs up, down or neutral. There is also a text box to give your opinion. When people have no real interest in the outcome of something, people will be honest. And if they can be anonymous, they will be brutally honest so be careful what you ask about. If you are asking a question, you can filter who sees your question. An example would be a guy going out on a first date with a girl. He could post a question so only women can see in the relationship section asking if the shirt he bought matches the shoes he wants to wear. Or if you are trying out dressing in a different way, you could try on a few outfits and see what strangers think.

2. Wayin

Wayin is a similar social application for Android. With Wayin, you have the option to answer questions people ask, but there is more you can do other than answering questions. There are Live Events. These Live Events can range from sporting events to parties to fans of a tv show commenting on a episode. All of the Live Events are people watching or participating in an event, for example, a game and talking about what is going on while the event is happening. All of these are ways to meet other people who have the same interests as you do.  During Springtime in the US, the NHL season is nearing the last couple months. There were a lot of hockey games in the Live Events section. In the account settings, you can search your social contact lists like Facebook to find current friends using either service. Otherwise, you can use Wayin to meet new people.


Social applications are meant to bring out the social butterfly in people. While applications and web events can bring people to events and activities getting them into the real world, some people feel more comfortable in the digital space. If you prefer to stay inside or glued to your Android phone, then meeting new people through apps like these should be a breeze. How do you meet new people from all over the world?