
If you have just moved to a new place, chances are you do not know where you can find some of the common services/businesses. The Graph Search helps you find such services by just typing in a few commands. Such commands are:

The command above lists out all of the dentists who have their offices located in New York City. It will only show those offices that have registered themselves with Facebook. Similarly, if you are looking for Interior Designers to design your new home, just type in the following command: Maybe you are on a tour and want to visit some of the famous attractions around you, but the problem is you do not know what and where these attractions are. Well, the Graph Search helps you find such places. The query above will list all of the museums around New York. You can click on the results to find out more information about them.


Besides services, there are a number of queries that yield results where you can be entertained. From finding out the movies that your friends like to discovering new clubs and bars around you, these queries are sure to entertain you.

This query will show you the night clubs that are located near London, UK. Just replace the location with yours and it will show you the night clubs around your city or state. If you are wondering what movies certain people like, just type in: This will show you the list of movies that is liked by the people who work at Google. Just replace the company name with any other and you will get different results. It’s all about experimenting with new queries and query combinations. Maybe you are hungry and looking for a Thai Restaurant. Just type in: and there you will have the list of the Thai Restaurants that exist around Bangkok, Thailand.

Finding New People

Do you like befriending strangers? If yes, these queries might help you find new people on Facebook. For example, if you want to find the people who work at Google, your query will look something like the following:

And there you will have the list of people who work at Google. If you want to know the people who like a specific brand or company, simply type in: It should show you the users who like Apple, Inc’s Facebook page.


The Facebook Graph Search queries are a dime a dozen, and they are indeed very helpful. They let you find new things and people around you, so you can have contacts with them.