Desktop twitting has been a rather easy task in Windows and Mac since there are plenty of Twitter client around. In Ubuntu Gutsy, I have found the below few methods to work:

Using command line

This is the most primitive way, but also the fastest way to post a message on my twitter. Launch your terminal, type in your message and off you go. To enable twitting from command line, you will need to install curl. Next, create a file called twitter. Paste the following lines in the file. Replace the and with your twitter username and password. Save the file in /usr/bin. You can’t save file in the /usr/bin directory without admin right. You might want to save the file in the desktop, open nautilus as root and copy the file over. In your terminal, In your nautilus, locate the twitter file. Copy and paste it to /usr/bin. Right click the file and select Properties. Under permission tab, place a check in the box “Allow executing file as program“. Click OK. Now you are ready to twit from command line. In your terminal, enter twitter “your message”


Twitux is the easiest to install. Just download and install the deb file and you are ready to go. It’s suppose to be the best Twitter client for Ubuntu as it has a timeline with avatars, display notifications, auto-updating, spell checking, and the option to view timelines in different ways. However, I can’t seem to connect to the Twitter site. Will update again with screenshot when I sort out the issue. The latest version of Twitux (0.61) is included in the Hardy Heron repository. For Gutsy users, please download version 0.60 as 0.61 does not work in Gutsy.


gTwitter is the only Twitter client found in Gutsy repository. Twitux users will find the interface familiar. In your terminal, These are the few that I found to work in Gutsy (GNOME). I know there are some Twitter clients for KDE. I have not have the chance to test it yet. If any of them works, please tell me about it.