Using PageZipper

As you reach the bottom of a current search page this extension will quickly load the next page, however, this app isn’t automatically active once you’ve downloaded it. As soon as you restart your Firefox browser you will need to go to the View section in your top menu bar, then scroll down to Toolbars and choose Customize. A window will appear with many icons. You will have to find the PageZipper icon and drag the selection to your Firefox toolbar. Now all that’s left to do is travel to a search page and press Start PageZipper icon and all of your pages will begin to automatically load beneath each other once you start to reach the end of the search page.


I mostly like to use this extension for searches on Google; however, it also works on similar apps such as Flickr. The way this app works is it automatically identifies the “next” link on a page and then it takes the liberty of loading the actual next page for you. This means that it won’t work on most blogs, as many don’t have a next link. One downfall I found this newly established extension to lack in is the non-compatibility of sites that do not utilize the English language. Hopefully in the future its developers can get this feature added on to improve its usability. It also does not work on sites that load their next pages using JavaScript, such as All in all I’ve come to believe that this is a great app and it offers the ability to save you time and increase your productivity depending on the tasks you’re working on. Currently PageZipper is compatible with Win2000/XP/Vista/7 and all recent versions of Firefox.